New Growth Fast
Welcome back to Grow Moringa Farms in Plant City, Florida. We actually have this new line of Moringa trees that we planted out a few months ago. They are already
starting to take. We have some nice cuttings that have some red stems on them; really beautiful. What we're focusing on is actually getting this row planted out.
Our Not So Secret
Each one of these sticks comes from a tree that has really nice red stems and we are using our BioStimulant. BioStimulant is a soil amendment that stimulates life in the soil. It feeds the soil that feeds the trees. But it's not just for trees, you can use BioStimulant on all your plants.
Here we're getting the BioStimulant on the trees. It's really just juiced moringa leaves. We use USDA certified organic Grow Moringa BioStimulant. This is going to help establish these cuttings in the ground. We just planted some cuttings here yesterday on a mounded area. We've already raised up the mounds 12 to 16 inches off the ground from mulch we had dropped off here about two years ago. I'm just getting these babies started.
Already Working
Some of these cuttings already have little sprouts coming out of them. We're just getting them hydrated today; we'll use the BioStimulant about once every other week in between waterings. We water it every few days.
Row Spacing
Here is a double wide row. Everything is staggered every 10 feet. They're 10 feet apart in the row but then 5 feet down we have another one and then that one's 10 feet to the next one on that row. The picture will help you understand what I mean. You can get your orchard established really well like that.
Summer Cutting
We are using this Moringa BioStimulant and you can see the sprouts already coming out. It really helps speed up the sprouting time. This is one of the cuttings
just from the summer; so this worked really really well. We established this with the BioStimulant, and now she's ready to be trimmed back.
Where we'll Cut
We'll take her back to here so we'll be able to stand on this as she branches out more and gets taller. Then we will take out all the smaller branches growing toward the inside, to open it up, and leave all the branches around the outside. This will help us with harvesting later on.

Look at these beautiful dark greens off a tree that we grew from a cutting.
What helps us establish the cuttings is the BioStimulant, and it's made from Moringa leaves.
Established Cuttings

Here is a cutting with a red stem, a really good characteristic that we have, and we have a couple of rows established out here. Some of them didn't make it, you know, and that's okay. But for the most part we got pretty much all the ones that we stuck in here to survive. There's no irrigation or anything yet, just been seeing what we can get started out here in the wild.
Bigger Transplanted Trees
These are the big ones over here that we set up first on the property. These are from three or four-year-old cuttings that were too close to the house. We brought this stump out here and planted it about a year ago. It's since re-sprouted and been cut back and we got lots of greens from it. We'll cut her back again soon so that she'll start bushing out low again. We'll get some BioStimulant on it so that way it comes back nice and strong. We have the BioStimulant available now on our website at
Moringa love and Prosperous Growing.
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