So yeah, I understand that they might not actually be putting nitrogen back in the soil; but the bugs and the microorganisms that are eating that particular plant are the ones that are putting the most nitrogen back into the soil with their carcasses.
There's a lady, Dr. Elaine Ingham who is THE American microbiologist, most famous microbiologist; and she talks a lot about that process. She has tons of information on the internet, YouTube, and her own course. She's been all over
I love that. Honestly that's where we have to start. We have to start with the soil. Even as a nursery man, I might go buy soil, I might have mulch, and I might have composted soil, but it's been pasteurized. Essentially, it's dead. It doesn't have worms in it, it doesn't have microbes in it. We have to take that pile that we just bought for 500 bucks and we have to mix it with stuff. We've got to throw mycelium into it, we've got to throw a biochar into it, we've got to throw Azomite
The amazing thing about Moringa is it brings all that microbiology into the soil. The BioStimulant is a great way to get that started. That's why we don't call our BioStimulant a Fertilizer. It isn't fertilizing the plants. It's giving life to the soil so the plants thrive. You get stronger and better producing plants when you start giving life to your soil.
Peace, Love, and Prosperous Growing!