Fresh Drumsticks

All of the drumsticks are from February to now. We've harvested the tree back several times. It regrows, we cut it back it, regrows and every year it produces tons and tons of drumsticks. This is the moringa tree and it's very valuable because inside the drumsticks are the seeds. Each tree can produce thousands and thousands of moringa seeds. The great thing about moringa seeds is that they are completely edible. They're a little bit bitter, but if you chew it really good it's like medicine and then it turns really sweet. Moringa seeds are highly medicinal and highly valuable in the body. They grow into young moringa trees which we're growing right here on the farm.
Drumsticks for Oil

Over the past several months we have been collecting drumsticks. All summer long drumsticks, drumsticks, drumsticks. Everybody's asking, "Hey do you have any fresh drumsticks for sale?" We haven't had any for sale because we've been trying to stock up on oil. The moringa seed oil is so valuable that at times we haven't been able to keep it in stock. Every time we got a little bit, it sold. I thought, "Let's try to get as many seeds as we can together. Before selling them for trees or fresh greens or drumsticks, let's go ahead and dry them; let's make as much oil as we can."
Making the Moringa Seed Oil

We have come out with a video already on homemade moringa seed oil, where we use our cold press machine to make the oil. The process is simple. We're putting seeds from a bin into the round hopper, the seeds fall into what it is essentially is just an auger that turns. The oil falls into the catchment bowl and the seed cake come out in a spiral at the end of the auger.
After Pressing The Seeds

Then there's a little bit of a process because we don't filter it, we don't bleach it, we don't add any solvents or anything. We just let it settle and over the course of several weeks. Right when it comes out of the machine it's goopy gloppy, it's got thick particles in it. We'll strain the oil and getting out any large particulates, any large pieces that are that come straight out of the bottom of the machine. Then we settle it, we literally let this sit and settle for two to three weeks just like this. As it settles we'll scoop off the top, put that in another jar, let that settle for another two weeks. You can already start to see how the sediment is at the bottom there. This is collected from several jars that we've already settled. From there we have seed oil. The ready, fresh, finished seed oil; which I love to consume in any and every way. I put it on my skin, in my salads, in my meals.
Story Time

I have a funny story that's so good. We started selling these at the farmers market a couple years ago. We only had small vials, these are ten dollars a vial on the website still and my girlfriend's aunt came by (I didn't even know she was my girlfriend's aunt at the time) and says, "Oh I love moringa seed oil! Could you provide me with all the oil that you have on the table?" I said, "Sure!" The next week we met her at sweetwater organic farm, and she says, "Hey I used all those oils." I asked her what she used them for and she told me she'll just chug one of these vials and she attributed her youthful appearance to doing so.
Possible Benefits of Moringa Seed Oil

There's a video on our YouTube Channel where you can see the process of us making seed oil all the benefits. My goal is to eventually take a bath in moringa seed oil one day, just soaking up all the good vitamins minerals. What's it good for? Skin, hair, nails, cuts, bruises, you name it! Creaky bones and creaky doors, is what I say all the time at the farmers market. You can rub the moringa seed oil on your elbows, on your knees, on your hips, on your neck. I like to rub it on my temples. It can be good for thinning hair, it's good for wrinkles. My skin care regimen includes face masks, bentonite clay, and moringa seed oil. I'll use the bentonite clay because I know that it's pulling toxins out, and then after wash it off, I'll put some moringa seed oil on my face and that really seals in the nutrients. I feel like it has actually reduced the signs of sun damage and wrinkles. It balances and tones. I had a cut on my foot and I'm putting the moringa seed oil on there and it's helping to really heal it. I feel like it does have some vitamin, beta-carotene, and amino acids. It's a complete source of protein. The oil itself just blows my mind. I can't even do the oil justice! I mean we got to get some more studies involved and more people talking about it because it's super valuable. We love it and that's pretty much what I wanted to share with you today.
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