Intensive Beds
Hey there greetings and welcome! One of the most common questions that we get is how soon can I harvest my moringa trees. This is a plot of moringa that is about 45 days old, and we're going to make our first harvest. You'll be able to make your first harvest after 45 days! Can you believe that? From seed it sprouts, and it turns into a nice green forest of moringa just like this. This is our intensive style bed that we have all throughout the front part of the farm. The point of doing this is to be able to get fresh micro greens; to be able to help get some income fast. This can happen every 45 days. You can bring in a harvest and grab some to either dry it or potentially just sell it fresh as a fresh micro green at the farmer's market.
The next step is, after the season is over and you've had about a several thousand to a hundred thousand trees like this growing on your one acre, what's going to happen is it's going to produce a tuber just like this. This is almost a one year tuber that was growing in a pot from a tree and we pulled it out and we're going to ship this in the mail. So we have bare root tubers that we can actually ship in the mail to you just like this. Then you can stick it in a pot. It's an easy way for us to get a lot a lot of trees in a box for you and then get it to you quickly without necessarily having the greens on it. You don't always have to ship trees with greens on it.
Large Tuber
Believe it or not this was a stick that we had sitting in the ground that produced a tuber. Over the course of one year, this is a one year tuber that came off of a stick. I completely submerged the cutting and it turned into this tuber. When we pulled it out this actually had a large tree coming off of it. We just pulled that off harvested the greens, used that as a fresh green product that we can bundle up and sell fresh at the farmer's market, and then also it created this tuber which could then be skinned, boiled and made into a tapioca like a cassava and made into pudding. You can potentially even chop it into chips and also powder it to make a a spice. This is called the horseradish tree for a reason. This is a very spicy tuber. You want to skin it because moringa does have the propensity to pull up heavy metals so you don't want to necessarily eat a root tuber that is over a year old. We're eating all tubers that are under one year old and of course in soils that don't have heavy metals. You can get your heavy metal soil test at if you want to test your soil to see if you have heavy metals.
Making the Harvest
Seed Shell Still On the Root
Where to Trim
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